We offer specific advice for nutrition based on one’s body composition and goals. Please talk
to us for a nutritional consultation.

Certainly. It does depend on the extent of the injury and the level of pain. If we can assess
your pain and provide ways to manage it, then you can most certainly engage in fitness

We have a certified in-house physiotherapist who extensively works with clients who require
pain rehabilitation. We ensure that our processes and workouts will never increase your pain
or injury.

We’ve had clients who came to us with debilitating pain and have found that the training has
helped them significantly.

We don’t just help you work through your pain struggles; we help convince your mind that
you can get past this. Come and experience mindful training with us.

No, we do not believe in relying on external machines to be enablers of fitness. For this
reason, we have no electrical cardio equipment in our fitness studio.

Our bodies are capable of moving in multiple, complex directions and patterns through
versatile activities such as crawling, rolling, jumping, and more. The potential and output
from these versatile exercises far exceeds the effort from merely running or walking.

Anybody between 8 and 80 years of age can thrive at Decafit. A good number of our clients
are over 50 years old!

We’ve had a client who started training at 61 for the first time, and noticed herself getting
younger and fitter by the day. You can read her testimonial here.

We’ve had clients over 50 run half-marathons, improve their golfing strides, expand their
sporting skills, and improve their postures, while getting stronger and pain-free.

Decafit ®


Monday – Saturday: 6AM to 8.30PM

Sunday: Holiday

Note: Service by appointment only.

Call DecaFit on (90920 91010) to schedule.


1/47, First Floor, Rajaji Road, Near Windsor castle hotel, Salem – 636007, India.